Saturday, January 22, 2011

How to Have Fun When It's F-F-F-Freakin Cold

Dinner at Solera.

Followed by Nellie McKay and the Aristocrats at the dakota.

Happy Birthday to the fabulous Eileen Campbell-Reed, whose natal day was Tuesday and provided the impetus for this night on the town.

Happy Birthday to the marvelous Mary Hess, whose natal day was actually today (I'm still counting this as Friday, I haven't gone to bed yet).

And props to the person I passed on my way home who was out riding a bike, at midnight, when it is 4 degrees and actively snowing. You are either really stupid or really hard core. Normally I'd think you were a candidate for the Darwin awards, but I'm feeling benevolent after a good concert, so I'm gonna go with hard core and tip my Turtle Fur hat to you, good sir or madame (hard to tell the difference these days when everybody is bundled up the wazoo).

Now, for your viewing enjoyment, a little Nellie McKay:

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