Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Absurdity of Jesus

Luther Sem's very own Matt Skinner has an article on the Huffington Post, speaking of the absurd, Jesus, and the parables.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Everybody Loves Joe Mauer

even a diehard Red Sox fan who lives and works in the Big Apple:

Spring training underway, opening day is just around the corner. . . :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Force is Strong in This One

I love this commercial. It is better than the Jetta "Synchronicity" commercial, which was pretty awesome.

This may possibly convert an avowed Honda girl into a VW owner. . .

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Really, Augsburg Fortress?

I'm presiding over my Great Uncle Don's funeral tomorrow. Some day I should write reflections on functioning as the family pastor, but for tonight, just venting a little frustration at AF.

In the parish we just put everything in the bulletin, so I usually led from that and used my hymnal only for hymns, if there were any. The family decided not to run a bulletin for this service, which is fine, I can just as easily lead from the service in the hymnal.

Except that Evangelical Lutheran Worship does not have the prayers of intercession printed in the funeral service.

Seriously AF? You had room in this hymnal for 8 different settings of the liturgy and 800-some hymns, but you didn't have one side of one page to give to intercessory prayers for a funeral?

Epic fail.

Consequently, I'll be leading the service out of my old Lutheran Book of Worship.

And with that, it's time for bed. G'night.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Of Gratitude and Beatitudes

Though I think a part of them secretly wishes they were still in Jerusalem, a part of me is selfishly grateful that Jeni and Colin are doing the Lord's work back in the great state of Minnesota, and is especially grateful for the chance to catch up with them last night.

And now for something completely different, some beatitudinal thoughts from Tim K. Snyder and Nadia Bolz-Weber. Enjoy.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pray for Egypt

A report from within by old seminary friends. Thanks to T at the Snake Charmer for spreading the word.