Monday, August 22, 2011

Reclaiming the Title

I think the Twin Cities are gunning to reclaim the title of the most bike-friendly city in the country.

Either that, or a whole new wave of tobacco-lawsuit money just came in.

But has anyone else noticed a bunch of new green Bike Share stations being installed, all over the Cities?

It's a good thing, really, considering it's becoming virtually impossible to get anywhere by car these days.

[seriously, MNDOT, whose brilliant idea was it to work on every major artery between St. Paul and Minneapolis in the same summer, hmmm?]

Then again, maybe that's part of their master plan. . .make driving such a frustrating experience that everyone readily hops on a bicycle instead.


Cat's Staff said...

You know which Nice Bike stations to find the cool bikes at, right?

Catrina Ciccone said...

No, I clearly don't. Wanna give a hint?

And, now I have the irrational urge to go buy myself a yearlong subscription to Nice Bikes.

Awesome pic, btw. :)

Cat's Staff said...

It's down the street from the Star Wars Yoga studio.