Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Great Blizzard of '10 Part Deux

Thankfully I don't have to worry about moving Hermes until this thing ends and plow guy comes back.

But some neighbors were parked on a snow emergency route. They needed to move their car ASAP lest the city impound it.

Fool that I am, I was walking around outside trying to get some pictures of the storm when I came across them.

So I ran home to get my shovel and came back to help.

Every car we successfully got off the emergency route and onto a side street felt like a Rebel victory on Hoth!

Who needs a gym membership when you live in Minnesota? :)

1 comment:

Cat's Staff said...

Good work.

Shouldn't we be able to name blizzards like they name hurricanes? That way, in the future we can tell our grandkids about the great Blizzard Ole of '91 and Blizzard Lena of '10...

I hope everyone makes it to the concert safely.