Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Don Gets What The Don Wants

This week marks the 3 year anniversary of my installation. When I first moved here, people were constantly asking me why I moved here. Central PA is one of those places in the country with an extremely high percentage of "native" residents - people who were born here, live their whole lives here, and die here. It was consequently difficult for many of my parishioners to fathom why I would move away from the place where I was born and where most of my family still resides. "Because the church sent me here" or "Because you gave me a job" didn't seem to be a good enough reason in many of their minds.

Actually, there are two answers to the question of how I ended up in Central PA. In good Lutheran fashion, they are both equally and most certainly true:

The answer given in faith is that the Holy Spirit works in mysterious ways.

The answer cognizant of the realpolitik within the ELCA at the time of my assignment is that The Don gets what The Don wants.

The first answer is as mysteriously self-explanatory as it's ever going to get.

Below is Andy's explanation of the second answer, written and recorded in honor of The Don's retirement last year. It's pretty funny. Well, alright, it's probably more funny if you know the people involved, but it's not too shabby in and of itself. Enjoy!

PS - Regarding The Don's comment about moving into Luther territory - these Easterners just like to think they're gaining influence in the Midwest. In reality, it's us Midwesterners who are making our presence felt in the East. The proof is in this past weekend's Synod Assembly, where a remarkably high percentage of worship leaders and plenary presenters were St. Olaf College and/or Luther Seminary alums, though there are only about a dozen of us in this area. The Midwestern invasion of the East continues! :)

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