Saturday, August 9, 2008

Cute Kid Stories (PK Division)

The last post was so serious, time to lighten things up around here.

Today the synod sponsored a picnic for clergy and families at our local Lutheran camp. Henry (3.5) and Liam (1.75) were there, and they had brought their swimming stuff in a backpack that Henry insisted on carrying. This backpack was only slightly shorter than Henry himself (when he put it on, it was seriously, like, 3 inches off the ground)! It was adorable watching him shuffle around with it on. I was walking next to him from the pool to the picnic pavillion, hearing a gentle "thwap, thwap, thwap" all the way as the bottom of the pack kept hitting the bottom of his legs. I finally looked over and said "Henry, I think your backpack is almost as tall as you are!" He just kept walking ("thwap, thwap, thwap") and casually looked at the pack behind him and said, definitively, "No it's not!" How can you argue with that?!

Also adorable is that he likes to "play communion" - he'll make a chalice and paten out of legos, then recite the words of institution - from memory - holding up the appropriate elements at the appropriate time, then "communing" his family at the appropriate time.

Olivia and Jack were not at the picnic, but they were visiting their Aunt Breen the last night of her bible school. Jack is not quite two and is not super verbal yet, so he hung out with Breen the whole time. She was teaching the kids about the post-resurrection appearance when Jesus gives the disciples the Holy Spirit and says "Peace be with you." As soon as she said those words, Jack jumped up out of her lap and started approaching another little girl with his hand out - he wanted to share the peace!

So that's the cute kid news from central PA this week, where all the PKs are definitely above average.


1 comment:

Melissa said...

Evy's favorite part of church is sharing the peace. I love it.