Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Deep Thought for the Day

I heart Chris Scharen:

Grace, then, might better be understood as a work of God prior to our salvation, as the capacity for anything to be at all, and as the sense of beauty and possibility that infuses things. Out of this unfathomable grace and love, God seeks to turn us out of self-centeredness and to selflessness, as God is in God's own life as Trinity. Such abundant giving beyond oneself for the sake of a beautiful but broken world where God is already present, already loving and preserving, does not mean retreat from culture. Rather, it means immersion in it for the sake of God's desire to call all creation to new life, to a final reconciliation and peace that the biblical writers called "shalom."

From faith as a way of life (Eerdmans 2008) p. 103